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Titel: „Franziska“
Untertitel I: „die erste First Lady Koreas“
Untertitel II: Die Geschichte der ersten "First Lady" Koreas, die Österreicherin Franziska Donner-Rhee
ISBN: 978-3-200-08720-0
Taschenbuch, Softcovereinband, 352 Seiten mit zahlreichen Fotos
Autorin: Soonae-Lee Fink
Literarische Bearbeitung: Wolfgang Ritzberger
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New Release
On the 130th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Austria, the first German-language book about Franziska Donner, the first "First Lady" of Korea, is published. The book was officially presented at the beginning of October at the reception of the Korean Embassy in the Hotel Imperial in the presence of numerous Koreans living in Austria and prominent Austrian politicians.