Buchvorstellung und Kulturabend: "Franziska - die erste First Lady Koreas"

Book presentation and cultural evening: "Franziska - the first First Lady of Korea"

Organized by the Ritzberger publishing house in cooperation with buchweb.at and supported by the Classic Tae Kwon Do KulturCen ter Wien, we cordially invite you to take part in a special cultural event on April 20th. This evening the focus will be on the book "Franziska - The First First Lady of Korea" , which sheds light on the extraordinary life of Franziska Donner, the first First Lady of Korea, and Syngman Rhee, the first democratically elected President of Korea.

About the book
The book "Franziska - Korea's First First Lady", written by Soonae Lee-Fink, tells the moving story of Franziska Donner, a girl from Inzersdorf. She overcame cultural and political boundaries of her time and became a key figure in Korea's history alongside Syngman Rhee. Their love, which was shaped by cultural differences, political tensions and a considerable age difference, serves as a wonderful example of the power of love across all borders. Soonae Lee-Fink, with her varied background in sports and science, weaves her own experiences and deep insights into both cultures to bring this poignant narrative to life.

The participants
Soonae Lee-Fink : With a powerful personal story and deep roots in Korean and Austrian culture, Lee-Fink offers unique perspectives on the events narrated. Her passion for Franziska Donner is reflected in every page of the book.

Wonju Yun : The renowned opera singer, whose training took her to renowned institutions in South Korea and Vienna, enriches the evening with musical pieces that build a thematic bridge between cultures.
Peter Moser: As the former first ambassador of Austria to Seoul, Dr. Moser shares valuable background knowledge and insights into Korea’s contemporary history.

Wolfgang Ritzberger: The renowned film producer, director and co-author of the book will lead the reading.

Moderation: Wolfgang Ritzberger

Event details

Date: Saturday, April 20th from 6:00 p.m.

  • 18:00 hrs
    Tae Kwon Do demonstration with Master Arndt Böhm & his students
  • 19:00
    Reading with musical accompaniment; followed by a discussion with the author Soonae Lee-Fink, Dr. Peter Moser and Wolfgang Ritzberger
  • admission free

Location: Classic Tae Kwon Do KulturCenter Wien, Muthgasse 56/58, 1190 Wien

This cultural evening promises to offer not only insights into one of the most touching love stories of the 20th century, but also a deep examination of the cultural and historical connections between Austria and Korea. The combination of literary representation, musical interpretation and informed discourse makes this event a must-see for anyone interested in intercultural relationships, history and the transformative power of love.

About Buchweb.at

With passion and a deep love for books, bookseller Edith Müller-Kowalski is at the heart of Buchweb.at , a unique combination of online platform and physical bookstore in Vienna-Döbling. Edith's charismatic presence and her commitment to literature make every visit a special experience. In the bookstore's cozy beer garden, guests can immerse themselves in the world of books over a coffee, supported by Edith's knowledgeable recommendations and stimulating conversations. Buchweb.at is characterized by its range of special books with their own stories, and Edith Müller-Kowalski embodies the heart and soul of this literary meeting place that brings the community of book lovers together.

Classic Tae Kwon Do Cultural Center Vienna

Arndt Bö h m has been training Tae Kwon Do since 1988 and since 1996 according to the health-oriented method of Grandmaster SON, Jong-Ho.

Since August 16, 2021, he has been running the Classic Tae Kwon Do and Culture Center in Döbling. His passion is the dissemination and teaching of this special type of Korean martial art. The CTKD Vienna is not only a sports school, but also a meeting place for culture, literature and community - everyone is welcome here. Arndt is convinced that Classic Tae Kwon Do is suitable for all ages, as it is performed and trained without contact; the focus is on meditation in movement and training for body and mind.

"With my establishment I have fulfilled my life's dream - I want people to LEARN and FEEL Classic Tae Kwon Do in order to be able to FREE their bodies and minds. Lots of movements and lots of repetitions will eventually free your head so much that everything else around you becomes irrelevant and no longer has any meaning. It is meditation in motion - training for body and mind."

-Master Arndt Böhm,
head of Classic Tae Kwon Do and Culture Center Vienna.

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