
Unsere Autorin über ihre Zeit als Leichtathletin

Our author about her time as a track and field ...

For those who know a little Korean, we share with you an interview with our author Soonae Lee-Fink, who talks about her time as a track and field athlete, among...

Our author about her time as a track and field ...

For those who know a little Korean, we share with you an interview with our author Soonae Lee-Fink, who talks about her time as a track and field athlete, among...

Soonae Lee-Fink & Wolfgang Ritzberger

"A passion for good stories!"

That is the motto of the neo-publisher, film producer and author Wolfgang Ritzberger, whose newly founded VERLAG RITZBERGER starts with a biographical novel about Franziska Donner, the Austrian who was...

"A passion for good stories!"

That is the motto of the neo-publisher, film producer and author Wolfgang Ritzberger, whose newly founded VERLAG RITZBERGER starts with a biographical novel about Franziska Donner, the Austrian who was...

Ein Treffen zwischen Franziska Donner und der Autorin Soonae Lee-Fink

A meeting between Franziska Donner and the auth...

The author Soonae Lee-Fink and Franziska Donner-Rhee met, only 5 years before Franziska's death, in her house in Ihwajang for a joint conversation. In her book, Soonae Lee-Fink describes the...

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A meeting between Franziska Donner and the auth...

The author Soonae Lee-Fink and Franziska Donner-Rhee met, only 5 years before Franziska's death, in her house in Ihwajang for a joint conversation. In her book, Soonae Lee-Fink describes the...

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Franziska - die Frau die 3 Kriege erlebt hat

Franziska - the woman who experienced 3 wars

Franziska Donner has experienced three wars in her life - the author Soonae Lee-Fink tells how the young woman experienced these turbulent times.

Franziska - the woman who experienced 3 wars

Franziska Donner has experienced three wars in her life - the author Soonae Lee-Fink tells how the young woman experienced these turbulent times.

Die besondere Liebesgeschichte der Franziska Donner

The special love story of Franziska Donner

Author Soonaer Lee-Fink tells why the love between Franziska Donner and Syngmann Rhee is so special.

The special love story of Franziska Donner

Author Soonaer Lee-Fink tells why the love between Franziska Donner and Syngmann Rhee is so special.

Viennese Korean Studies Day 2022

Viennese Korean Studies Day 2022

We will be at the Korean Studies Days Vienna on 2 December 2022 at the Institute of East Asian Studies at the University of Vienna!

Viennese Korean Studies Day 2022

We will be at the Korean Studies Days Vienna on 2 December 2022 at the Institute of East Asian Studies at the University of Vienna!